head of the research group
Prof. Igor Pravst is focussed on research in the area of nutrition and public health, including functional foods, composition, labelling and promotion of foods. He holds a PhD in chemistry from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and his areas of research expertise include food composition and the function of food constituents in human health. He is a leader of a number of studies conducted within various European and national research projects. Igor Pravst also collaborate with academic institutions. He is a Professor in Nutrition at the Higher School of Applied Sciences (VIST), where he is leading of “Nutrients” module, and a supervisor of a number of MSc and PhD students at the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. He has authored numerous contributions in renown journals such as Nature, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, Nutrients and Food Policy. Igor is also a member of the Slovenian Board for food safety.
- ORCID record
- ResearchGate
- SICRIS record (Slovenian Research Agency database)
COBISS bibliography (extraction of COBISS bibliography will take about 20 seconds)
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